Our dads 1872 82 Fresno California Card 1

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Our dads 1872 82 Fresno California Card 1


Civic leaders -- California -- Fresno County -- Photographs.; Leaders -- California -- Fresno County -- Photographs.; Fresno (Calif.) -- Biography -- 19th century -- Sources.; Fresno (Calif.) -- Biography -- 20th century -- Sources.; Fresno (Calif.) -- History -- 19th century -- Sources.; Fresno (Calif.) -- History -- 20th century -- Sources.


Early Fresno photographer Roderick W. Riggs (1859-1940) created rogues galleries of pioneer Fresnans by tearing photos and gluing them on heavy pieces of cardboard. Mr. Riggs titled his portrait composites according to some shared trait. Starting in the upper left corner, we have the following individuals: Louis Einstein (1847-1914) pioneer merchant and banker, A.M. Clark (Angus Marion Clark 1831-1907) County Clerk from 1873-84 elected to the State Assembly in 1885, S.B. Bresee (Sylvester B. Bresee 1831-1920) Public Administrator 1883-84, Jess Morrow (1827-1897) rancher, miner and at one time one of the richest men in the county, Jeff Shannon (1831-1902) Undersheriff and politician, Louis Gundelfinger (1849-1938) merchant and banker, with Louis Einstein formed Bank of Central California, M.J. Church (Moses James Church 1818-1900) irrigation pioneer in Frenso, Judge S.A. Holmes (Samuel A. Holmes 1830-1894) First Superior Court Judge 1879-84 & 91-94, Judge E.C. Winchell (Elisha Cotton Winchell 1826-1913) District Attorney 1861-63 and District Court Judge 1863-67, O.P. Wilson ( -1902), Dr. Lewis Leach (1823-1897) pioneer County Physician, Dr. Chester Rowell (1844-1912) founder of the Fresno Republican newspaper, Father of the Republican Party in Fresno County, State Senator 1879-83 reelected 1898 & 1902, Mayor from 1909-12, Geo Bernard (= George Bernhard 1823-1888) Fresno merchant, Simon Henry (1834-1918) businessman and founder of Henry's Hotel at the corner of Tulare and K Streets, H.P. Hedges (1824-1906) builder and developer, Judge D.S. Terry (David Smith Terry 1823-1889) Fresno Attorney and Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court 1857, Gus Whithouse (= A.E. Witthouse) Public Administrator 1882, Judge J.B. Campell (James B. Campell 1833-1916) Superior Court Judge 1885-90 and large landowner in Fresno and Tulare Counties, T.E. Hughes (Thomas E. Hughes 1830-1919) land developer and pioneer builder, known as the "Father of Fresno", W.T. Riggs (William Thomas Riggs 1833-1912)


1 Photographic print :b&w ;14 x 9 cm.


San Joaquin Valley Library System


between 1881 and 1930


Fresno County Public Library


This image is being made available for educational and research purposes only, under the "fair use" clause of the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.) Further questions regarding the image or its use may be directed to the Fresno County Public Library, Heritage Center, 2420 Mariposa St, Fresno, CA 93721. Phone: 559-600-6230 HeritageCenter@fresnolibrary.org


SJV Photo Heritage










between 1881 and 1930




“Our dads 1872 82 Fresno California Card 1,” San Joaquin Valley Library System Digital Collections, accessed March 14, 2025, http://digital.sjvls.org/document/1780.

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