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Sol Sweet, shown here with a sign for his flying school, was a long-time aviator in the Visalia, CA, area. His school operated out of the Visalia Municipal Airport. Notice the three-digit telephone numbers, indicative of the age of the sign.

February 10, 1912, was an exciting day for Tulare County, CA, residents who showed up for the county's first airplane landing, scheduled at the old fairgrounds one mile east of the city of Tulare. Pilots Frank Bryant and Roy N. Frances were to land…

This prosperous-looking couple and friend are posing in front of their 1922 Ford Model T in Tulare County, CA. Notice the wear on the right front tire.

The only information available on this photo comes from a note on the reverse side stating, "The Daggestts and their Eastern Cousin."

This 1914 Model T "pickup" appears to be in the Mojave Desert of California, facing the east side the the Sierra Nevada mountain range.

Two very grand automobiles are shown off at a ranch in Tulare County, CA, ca 1915. The auto at left is said to be a 1911 to 1913 Cadillac.

This Standard Oil Company truck, parked in front of the company site in Visalia, CA, delivered "Zerolene" to customers in the early 1900s.

No information has become available about this unidentified driver and automobile thought to be in Visalia, CA.

This was the municipal auditorium of Visalia, CA, up until the mid-1900s. It was located at the northeast corner of Acequia and Garden streets. This photo was taken from Hyde Park, across the street from the auditorium.

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This artesian well was located near Artesia, south of Waukena in what now is Kings County, CA. An artesian well consists of a small hole sunk into the earth, through which water rises naturally from subterranean sources nearly…
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