Browse Items (6234 total)

H. H. Pickett, 224 Abby Street, Fresno (includes advertisement for Tite Seal). Pickett (circa 1894--?) was the manager of the Fresno Disposal Co., a private waste collection business, during the 1930s. City directories subsequently list him at the…

Frank Hickman, men’s clothing, 1922-24 Mariposa St. (R.F. Outcault cartoon of Buster Brown and Tige). Hickman (1871-1950), a West Virginia native, came to Fresno in 1905 and established a men’s clothing and accessories shop in partnership with…

Farmers National Bank began on 3/8/1882. On 8/14/1889 it moved into its new building on the SE corner of Mariposa & I St.

Postcard most likely made between 1949-1954. Nehi products was located at 390 Safford from 1944-1957. By 1958 it was listed as Royal Crown Cola Bottling Co.

French Dye Works was located on J St. between Kern & Tulare. On July 24, 1914 a fire started in French Dye Works that destroyed the J.M. Ruth Building. The postcard is dated August 1910.

Frank Reedy Buggy & Harness, 845-849 I St (lady angler litho). Frank Reedy (1855-1927), a native of England, settled in Fresno circa 1875. He initially found employment as a harnessmaker with Charles Sweitzer, and also worked for Frank Cummings in…

A biographical sketch and photo of Charles W. Musick.

A biographical sketch and photo of Dr. G. T. Mountford.

A biographical sketch and photo of John M. Morrow.

A biographical sketch and photo of M. A. Morrison, M. D.
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