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Fuchsia-colored background, brand name in yellow and orange letters with a penguin on the right side.

Sky blue background, smiling blond child looking at a peach. Brand name written in white letters with the "P" depicted as a candy cane.

Orange background with a yellow pinstriped border. In the center, an orchard scene with mountains in the background within an oval frame. Top left corner of label is nicked.

Bright stone fruit on a dark blue background. In the center, yellow background with a circular red, white, and blue logo.

Elizabeth LaCell, City Librarian, looking over the area where she used to conduct summer story time for many children. The library building in this picture was built in 1905.

Central School view from North E Street. This location is now the West side Fire Station site.

Central School Auditorium, located on "E" & Tulare Streets. This location later became the Tulare Public Library in 1963.

Central School view from "F" Street. This exact location later became the Store Room Area of the New Library.

Central School Building on the corner of "F" and Tulare Streets. This location later became the new library building in Tulare.

The first Tulare library building, turned into Library Hall in 1882.
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