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A group of lumbermen and a few family members pose on what then was called the W. S. Scott Tree in Sequoia National Park (late 1800s).

A biographical sketch and photo of William P. Bowen. William Bowen was president of Bowen-Bartram Company, which operations included Bowen's, a confectionery and soft drink establishment at 1014 J Street, Fresno; a candy shop called The Mission; and…

A biographical sketch and photo of W. Oral Watters.
Mr. Watters, an attorney, member of Barnard & Watters firm.
He married Fern Vaughn in 1912.

Light blue background with orange corners. Fruit on the left side, brand name in the center with black letters.

A biographical sketch and photo of W. J. Kilby. Mr. Kilby was a senior partner at the firm of W. J. Kilby & Son; real estate, oil stocks, and fire insurance. It was located in Coalinga, California. In 1883, he married Helen Murtagh. They lived at 135…

A biographical sketch and photo of W. H. Minard.

William H. McKenzie's home was located at 1407 Calaveras Street in Fresno, CA. He was a director at Fresno Abstract Company for many years. He was also involved in farming, mining and oil-wells. He was director and manager of Fresno Electric Railway…

A biographical sketch of W. H. Lyons.

A biographical sketch of W. H. Larew. Mr. Larew was District Attorney of Madera County, Court House, Madera, California. In 1892, he helped organize the movement to divide Fresno County and organize a new county under the name Madera County.
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