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A biographical sketch and photo of W. A. White.
Mr. White was president of the White Packing Company and proprietor of the New England Market.

A biographical sketch of W. A. Moore.

A biographical sketch and photo of W. A. Conn. Mr. Conn was an attorney-at-law. His office was located at 311-12 Rowell Building, Fresno, California. On July 31, 1909 he married Anna May Peabbles. They lived at 1130 S Street, also in Fresno.

Group of Volunteer Firemen of Porterville, California.

Hose and reel fire. These men fought fires without any horse drawn equipment. Top row, L-R: Clarence Hill, Frank Hummel, Chris Jacobsen, George Hughes, John Elrod, Bert Kinney (asst. chief), Ad Fearon, Joe Lacey (chief). Second row: Al Landers,…

A group of hikers visiting Sequoia National Forest in 1902 pose in front of the "Hercules Tree," a giant redwood into which a room was carved by Jesse Hoskins.

"Old trail along Licking River, marked ""Vise's Trail"". It leads north to Visalia, Kentucky, founded by Nathaniel's father in 1819-20. Photo was taken in October, 1995."

Scattered homes are nearly all that is left of the old community of Visalia, Kentucky. October, 1995.
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