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Shows the cottage of Stony Brook's resident physician, located beside the railroad.

Shows road near Stony Brook Retreat from another vantage point.

Shows main hospital building of Stony Brook Retreat, as seen just beyond the tree line.

Shows building at Stony Brook, with awnings and veranda extending its entire length.

Shows several buildings of the Stony Brook Retreat. Access road is visible at right.

This hand-colored picture of Stony Brook, scanned from a framed picture, shows the main hospital building with lawns and curbs, and a perfectly rectangular swimming pool, in contrast to their appearance in 1928.

Dora Belle Harris Rogers was the wife of Dr. L. S. Rogers of Bakersfield. She was a popular teacher at the H Street school, and she had charge of a number of Kern Valley schools at various times. Mrs. Rogers died at age 62. Mr. & Mrs. Rogers were…

Stephen Barton started the town of old Isabella, which was located on the site of the present Isabella Lake, He died July 1912. Photo courtesy of A. O. "Gus" Suhre.

Helen J. Barton was the wife of Stephen Barton, who founded the town of old Isabella. Photo courtesy of A. O. (Gus) Suhre.

Andrew Brown was a pioneer Kernville merchant.
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