Browse Items (6234 total)

Cover of photograph album belonging to Haruo Okino.

This photo shows Lee Hill and his wife, Anna, about 1905. They were residents of Porterville, CA. (Photo courtesy of Porterville Library)

John Howell, the Porterville, CA, marshal is shown in his uniform in 1902. Behind him is the Zalud Saloon and Scottie's Chop House. (Photo courtesy of Porterville Library)

East of Porterville, CA, and in the Sierra mountains, Guthrie cattle ranch stock is shown at Quaking Aspen meadows about 1920. (Photo courtesy of Porterville Library)

The Porterville, CA, Morton Street School was built in 1890, and is shown here supporting a group of students in 1892. (Photo courtesy of Porterville Library)

John Franklin Guthrie, a cattle rancher in White River Area near Porterville, CA, is seen here at the monument on top of the Mt. Whitney in 1908. (Porterville Lib. # 194)

This was the Carnegie Library building in Porterville, CA, in 1925. (Photo courtesy of Porterville Library)

In 1926, the Porterville Union High School agriculture class continued a tradition begun at predecessor El Granito High School in 1912, by going on a camping trip at Camp Nelson, in the Sierras to the east. (Photo courtesy of Porterville Library)

Miss Harbour was the girls' physical education and freshman English teacher at El Granito High School in Porterville, CA, in 1918. The school's name came from its granite construction materials quarried at nearby Rocky Hill. (Photo courtesy of…

The Baker building of Porterville, CA, is shown as it appeared in 1894. It was built in 1892. It was rented out to M.K. Boatman and his son Charles. the sign Boatman and Son is shown. (Photo courtesy of Porterville Library)
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