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Growlers Club picnic

Growlers Club picnic

Growlers Club picnic

Hose and reel fire. These men fought fires without any horse drawn equipment. Top row, L-R: Clarence Hill, Frank Hummel, Chris Jacobsen, George Hughes, John Elrod, Bert Kinney (asst. chief), Ad Fearon, Joe Lacey (chief). Second row: Al Landers,…

Portrait of Minnie Laidlaw

House described as "Sunnyside Villa" in Porterville, California.

Claubes Soda Fountain in the south half of the front of the Pioneer Hotel.The Drug Store was to the back and left of the Soda Fountain. Mr. Canty is the man in the suit behind the counter.

Broad valley stage, 15 million years ago, as portrayed in the first of six paintings by H. A. Collins, Sr., depicting geologic stages in the carving of Yosemite Valley.

Mountain valley stage, 10 million years ago, as portrayed in the second of six paintings by H. A. Collins, Sr., depicting geologic stages in the carving of Yosemite Valley.

Canyon stage, 10 to 2 million years ago, as portrayed in the third of six paintings by H. A. Collins, Sr., depicting geologic stages in the carving of Yosemite Valley.
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