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Suzuko Yamashita, age 3, in 1925.

Suzuko Yamashita, age 3, in 1925.

Suzie McGowan, Mono Lake Paiute, standing in meadow near Yosemite Falls, with baby Sadie in cradlebasket on her back.

Green background. Children in the foreground and bottom left side, balloons on the right. Brand name in center in yellow letters.

St. Anthony's Retreat Home above Three Rivers, CA, relies partially on water received via a flume, or trough, which carries water downhill from higher elevations. Here, Brother Didacus stands on a suspension bridge near where the flume begins on theā€¦

Valley background with rising sun. Brown stripe on the bottom with black lettering. Purple grapes on the right side, brand name on the left, red lettering inside a cream rectangle. July 8, 1952

Valley background with rising sun. Gray stripe on the bottom with blue lettering. Green grapes on the right side, brand name on the left, red lettering inside a cream rectangle. Sept 15, 1961

Valley background with rising sun. Gray stripe on the bottom with blue lettering. Green grapes on the right side, brand name on the left, red lettering inside a cream rectangle.
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