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Royal Porter Putnam (1837-1889) who began Porterville in 1864

John Benjamin Hockett (1827-1898) who added town-lots from his land wst of Putnam's for the map of 1870.

John J. Doyle (1844-1915) who in 1907 bought former reservation land at the east from the Elias Jacob estate and started Doyle Colony.

Pioneer Bank of Porterville. Gentlemen in the picture from left to right is: John Loyd, George Williamson, Richard Bradley (bank manager), Gerald Lumley, Will Putnam, and Bonaparte Witt.

The Templeton Brothers--John on the left and Hugh on the right. They came to Porterville in 1890-1891. They had a carpenter and cabinet shop on the southwest corner of Putnam and Third streets.

The carpenter and cabinet shop of the Templeton brothers which sat on the southwest corner of Putnam and Third streets. . From left: Hugh Templeton, John Templeton, Ambrose Stoddard, and N.M. Ball.

Members of the Porterville Masonic Order at the laying of the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple southwest of the intersection of Main and Putnam.

Four generations in the Hockett family: Mrs. J. B. Hockett holding her great-grandchild (Dale Minette); her son Ben Hockett; and his daughter Gladys Minette.

The hardware store operated by the sons of J. B. Hockett; it stood on the south side of Olive Street.

James Willson, who with his brother-in-law, Adolph Schulz had a Hardware store in the Putnam Building, and was an orange grower.
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