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As the world's largest raisin plant, Sunmaid Raisin's Plant Number 4 was a major center for raisin packing in Fresno for nearly fifty years. The plant was constructed between 1918 and 1920 on Hamilton and East Avenues. By 1918 more than 85% of…

Group of people in front of an unknown building in Raisin City. People are: front row (L-R) Miss Fike, Laton; Miss Holsinger, Laton; Miss Whitmore, Raisin City; unknown, Miss Flickinger, Raisin City; Miss Brandt, Raisin City; Mr. Kunc, Raisin City.…

Photo taken by Walter J. Nichols of Nichols Photo.

A scene of the outdoor concerts given in the early 1900's under the trees in a park. The concert stand can be seen in the background.

Blue background, sun with face on top right, purple ribbon on the bottom. Brand name in center, yellow orange letters with black border and orange shading.

Valley background with mountains and sunrise. Brand name on top, red lettering with black border.

Prize winners in the June, 1958 reading club program at the Visalia, CA, branch of the Tulare County Library System pose with leaders, from left, Ann Hopping, Goerge Broughton, and Phoebe Winkler.

Staff of Sumida Drug Store that was located on the northwest corner of Garden and Center Streets, Visalia, California. Pharmicist Roy Sumida is pictured at right.
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