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Mrs. Myra Becker-Shuey began teaching in Tulare County about 1873.

Mrs. Mary Haskell (1848-1950), California pioneer of 1872. Her son Frank Haskell is on the right holding her great-grandchild, her grandson Alfred Haskell is on her left.

Anna Laumeister Bartlett, wife of Wililam Pitt Bratlett

People on the porch of the Arlington Hotel. From left John W. Loyd, W.P. Bartlett, David W. Lindsay, Mrs. D.W. Lindsay and child, Mrs. England, Will Loyd, and Minnie Loyd. The Loyds were the proprietors of the hotel.

William Pitt Bartlett (1855-1929), at the Bartlett summer home Tumbling waters above California Hot Springs.

The railroad loading station called Hilo for the first Porterville magnesite mine, built by J. Bither in 1898. Its kiln was the first one used by W.P. Bartlett, the ore being flumed into the top from Sunnyside Avenue. One tank was for water and theā€¦

At the granite quarry northeast of Porterville. Part of the quarry and the derricks, the buildings for stone-cutting and for the air-compressing power plant.

The steam-engine power plant before it was housed, and some houses for the employees.

Murry Park

Murry Park
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