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Music for Porterville. The members of the band are using a section from the Sequoia tree that furnished the exhibit for the world's Columbian Exposition as a bandstand.

Porterville band in front of the old Fire house. Putnam County was a demonstration favoring that name instead of Tulare County when Kings was made a separate county.

This band was called The High School Band, because it was organized by Frank Howard, high school teacher (1900-1902) mostly from high school boys. They met to practice at high school, but was not in the curriculum.

The city band taken at the dedication of the city park. This was a volunteer band.

The Porterville Municipal Band.

A Fourth of July picnic at Hockett's Grove.

Picnic at Chico Flat Grove about six miles east of Porterville.

Setting out in a stage-coach, for an outing in the mountains for Will Thomson's bachelor party. From left (not counting the hostler at the horse's head) : George Murry, Gerald Lumley, Charles Traeger, Dr. Hatcher, John Hewey, J. H. Williams, Dave…

Porterville Odd Fellows Lodge-waiters at an oyster banquet, From left standing: Will Burford, Karl Bergloff, and Swan Baker. Sitting: Tom Howeth, John James, and Hugh Templeton.

The Woodmen of the World. Porterville Drill Team. From left, back row: George Harp, Ed Dorsey, Ira Oldfield, Charles Drear, Eschol Hammond, Jake Gilliam, Lum Oldham, and Bill Bennett. Front row: Charles Berry, Bill Schortman, Bob Higgings, Roy…
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