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City Hall on the northwest corner of Main and Cleveland including the police department; and the Fire Department Building on the northeast corner of Cleveland and Hockett with the Chamber of Commerce building between the.m.

The first Fire Department Building, the only civic building when Porterville was incorporated on May 3, 1902; at the right is the Library building erected in 1907-8.

Porterville's first library opened April 6, 1908, it was made of native granite. It was partly funded by the Carnegie Funds. It was abandoned in 1947 after an earthquake retendered it unsafe.

Porterville's second library dedicated on March 8, 1953.

Miss Vida Brown in long serge skirt and flannel blouse, riding a side-saddle on her horse Jim.

Mrs. Dot Guthrie Hughes shows the side-saddle made about 1885 by Swezey Mapes of Porterville for her mother Ellen White Guthrie.

Miss Vira Hardeman in white corduroy divided-skirt costume on her black gaited horse Couley.

Mrs. Baucom shows the padded Kentucky Springer saddle she used.

Miss Dorothy Hoover, taking part in the 1951 Porterville Armistice Day parade in western horse-woman's costume, with silver-mounted Bohlin saddle on her black mare Tennessee Belle.

Owen Hoover on a performing horse trained by him.
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