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Mrs. Masuda holds a bunch of grapes she is packing at the J. D. Martin ranch. The ranch was located on Road 172, north of Ivanhoe, California.

Two young boys play as Sumo wrestlers.

Jack, Megan and Betty Mori in Oban dress. The occasion was the Visalia City Leadership dinner at the Visalia Convention Center in June 1963. Oban dancing is part of traditional Japanese entertainment.

Wedding of Kathy Mori and Don Koga at the Fresno Buddhist Church, April 6, 1974. Kathy is the sister of Jack Mori. Pictured in the wedding party are (left to right):Dave Koga, Marian Mori Davis, Lisa Furujama (girl), Jack Mori, Kathy and Don Koga,…

Following a family tradition, Jack Mori (right) and his uncle, George Takasaki are shown making rice cakes in 1988.

The Shimasaki family reunion in the summer of 1987 was in Harrisonburg, Virginia, at the home of Rinko Shimasaki. Pictured (left to right ) are, top row: Sam, Walter, Joe, Ira and Fred Shimasaki. Bottom row: Atsuko, Tom and Rinko Shimasaki.

The Shimasaki brothers and sister Rinko in a 1945 photo. Sam and Fred, both in the army in Belgium, had emergency leave to visit their mother who was dying of cancer. Pictured are (top row, left to right) Sam, Tom, Ira and Fred. Front row: Walter,…

Sam Shimasaki was in Army Military Police training at Camp Wheeler, Georgia, in January 1945. He later served in Belgium in the same unit as his brother, Fred. He is shown in uniform.

Fred Shimasaki was in Army Military Police training at Camp Wheeler, Georgia, in January 1945. He later served with his brother, Sam, in Belgium. He is shown in uniform.

People who lived in Block 27 in Rohwen Relocation Camp, McGhee, Arkansas, are pictured in the group photo taken in 1945. The Shimasaki family lived in this block.
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