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The flouring mill and the park, showing the pond and the first park plantings. The brick building for the mill erected in 1897 by Andrew Leslie who was the last miller. After the wooded mansard story was burned Mr. Leslie altered the exterior but…

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Leslie. Mr. Leslie was the last miller of the flour mill.

The old Opera House Porterville's first theatre, made from Porter Putnam's warehouse on Main at Garden. Walter Norris and P.C. Montgomery opened it in 1894. In 1895 it was bought by Arthur R. Moore who put in movies in 1908.

Frank Putnam's house built about 1893, it was located on Morton Street near Hockett. Later the house was turned to face Hockett.

The Will Putnam House was facing Mill next to Fourth Street. Built in 1890-1891. The house was torn down sometime after 1953.

Upper: As originally built, in 1876-77 by Levi Bond.
Middle: After Anton Konda bought the house from Whit Smith in 1906 and had added another story to the low part and altered the porch.
Lower: After the roof alterations following fire damage and…

Planting a tree at the Porterville Union High School, at this time the college and high school were on the same campus.

This service station was on the North East corner of Hockett and Putnam.

This span of mules is the Charlie Nesbitt team and they are hauling wheat for the Strathmore land company. This was the only span of mules that were used on lease or contract. They also hauled lumber out of Mountain home.

Teapot Dome and South Main Street.
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