Bachtold's Flouring Mill was known as the Selma Flouring Mill. It had both the mill and a grain warehouse. It was located on the Centerville and Kingsburg Canal and East Street (now Evergreen St) which ran the mill before it switched to steam.The…
The public school building (Valley View School) in Selma sat on the corner where McCall and High Streets met Mill and Selma Street. The school was a first class graded school having 11 teachers., a union high school with enrollment of nearly one…
A view of 2nd Street looking east towards the public school at the corner of McCall and Mill Streets. On the left side of 2nd street is the Wells, Fargo & Co Express office, on the right side is Hawks Furniture & Undertakers and the Hauptli Hotel,…
Picture taken just south of Tulare Street looking northward on I Street (now Broadway). On the left is the 3-story Hughes block, an elaborate brick and iron structure 75 x 150 feet in size, costing $100,000. The first floor is occupied by the…
An interior view of the Patigian Brothers art studio in the Library building. They established themselves in Fresno in 1890-1. Mr. Horen Patigian is a pen and pencil sketch artist and his brother Haig Patigian does well with a brush.