Browse Items (6234 total)

A 30-mule team pulling this Singleton-McCloskey Harvester could average 45 acres of grain harvesting per day around 1900. Men shown here include Tom McCloskey, driver; Henry Rose, sacksewer; Louis Singleton, Header tender; Owen McCloskey, separator…

Portrait of Simon Alexander.


The Silver Tip oil well just outside of Coalinga, California. The well blew in with the greatest gusher known in California at that time. The oil flow was estimated at 10,000 - 20,000 barrels a day. The roar of the well could be clearly heard in the…

Silver Tip picture taken September 30, 1909.

Forest and creek background. Brand name in the center with red lettering.

"Silver Creek" written in red script. Above, green woods, below, an illustration of a blue creek running through blue and yellow banks.

The 442nd Infantry Regimental Combat Team sign. Hiroshi Matoba was stationed here. The 442nd was composed of Japanese Americans and was the most decorated army unit in World War II. Hiroshi was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the nation's…

The 442nd Infantry Regimental Combat Team sign. Hiroshi Matoba was stationed here. The 442nd was composed of Japanese American and was the most decorated army unit in World War II. Hiroshi was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the nation's…

Lumber Mill at Sierra sky Ranch circa 1960
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