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A garden home with blooming plants around the three-room house.

Three children playing in the dirt at the camp.

A mother watches her children at play in front of their tin cabin.

A side view of the Intenational Harvester one-row cotton picker stopped in the cotton field.

Sandy Newman from the Packwood area west of Visalia shared this information: This cotton picker was not a "stand alone". It had a cotton basket placed on…

International Harvester came out with the one-row mechanical cotton picker in 1949 after World War II. The mechanical cotton picker had been in development since 1933. Tom Honeycutt wrote a book entitled "The Second Emancipation: Inventor John Rust…

The boy has picked his bag of cotton.

The weigh-in station is busy: one man's bag is being weighed in, another man is waiting in line with a full bag of cotton, while two men walk away with their cotton bag rolled up under their arms. The calculator is operating his machine.

The cotton bag is being weighed in, and the adding machine will be used to print a record for the picker.

The young boy has his own smaller cotton bag.

The pickers brought their bags of cotton to the weighing station. Each pickers bag is weighed and recorded. After the weigh-in the bag is emptied into the cotton trailer. When the cotton trailer is full, it is driven to the cotton gin for…
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