Browse Items (6234 total)

Dinuba Market, in the early 1900s, was owned and operated by W. H. Elam, shown here at left. At the right is butcher P. E. Stocks. The little girls are not identified. The market, located on South L Street "across from Medler's," later was…

A biographical sketch of W. G. Holland. Mr. Holland was a legal practitioner in Indiana. He married twice. He his second wife was formerly Nora Shook. They lived at 430 Calaveras Avenue, Fresno, California.

A biographical sketch and photo of W. D. Mitchell.

A biographical sketch of W. D. Crichton. Mr. Crichton was an attorney at law, in the Land Company Building, Fresno, California. He married Alice Stevens on December 28, 1891.

W. C. Wyatt (third from right) and Daisy Joe (right) at the Fresno Fair in 1913.

W. C. Wyatt (third from right) and Daisy Joe (right) at the Fresno Fair in 1913.

A biographical sketch of W. C. Williams.
Mr. Williams was the Fresno City Bacteriologist and ran a one of a kind laboratory for the San Joaquin Valley. He was married to Anna C. Carpenter.
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