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On the top, white background with brand name in red and yellow letters. Below, half a cantaloupe on the left side, a couple in a carriage on the right.

Men standing beside horse-drawn carriages in Austin Foster Stoner's shop; Austin Stoner is at far right. From the collection of Gaye Lenahan, great-granddaughter of Austin Foster Stoner.

Carroll Frank White, of Willow precinct (See #306 in for halftone duplicate)

Outdoor wedding party portrait taken at the wedding of Garfield Carter and Margaretha Evert, 1900; left to right, Garfield Carter, Margaretha Evert Carter, Della Carter, Pete Evert, and May Stratman, one of the flower girls.

Picture of Caruthers Elementary School, built in 1921 and destroyed by fire in 1946. Building shows Romanesque and Spanish Revival architectural elements. The Caruthers District was formed in 1892, and merged with the Princeton District to form the…

Early Tulare family on horse-drawn buggy : Cassulo, Aunt Nannie and Nick, Agnes Deason Crowe.

Coach: Miss Watkins. Cast: Paul Atwell, Douglas Penfield, Lena Owen, Frances Kirkpatrick, Fred Audibert, Hester Tallman, Hazel Wyllie, Robert Ebaugh, Cecil Mingus, Loretta McLane, Thomas Crawford, Donald Tennant, Florence Mayhew. Play was presented…
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