Browse Items (6234 total)

Bringing in a load of sorghum (milo maze) from the Mouren farm.

Sorghum wagon and cooks wagon. The blacksmith-garage and Mouren's first house can be seen.

The low side of the wagon was for workers to throw cut sorghum into wagon.

This is the cabin at Stone Corral, Tulare County, CA, at which outlaws Sontag and Evans were fired upon by a Tulare County Sheriff's Posse, June 11, 1893.

"Song" written in large yellow and white letters on a royal blue background, Asian woman in pink and white costume with a drum is on the left side.

3rd part of 4 part picture. Those identified are, 4th from left Joe McLaughlin. Rest unknown.

4th part of 4 part picture. Men identified are, l-r: unknown, Jack Denegn, unknown, Bill Pascoe, unknown, unknown, (top) unknown, (bottom) Steakley, (top) Kenneth Alviso, (bottom) unknown, (top) Al Curry, (bottom) unknown, (top) Shorty Cloud,…

2nd part of 4 part picture. Men identified are, l-r: (bottom) unknown, (top) George Cowert, (bottom) Scotty Conner, unknown, Jim Biffix, Kenneth McBain, Roy Pokenhorn, Russell, Earl Sharp, (top) unknown, (bottom) Art Witt, (top) Jones, (bottom)…
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