Browse Items (6234 total)
Portrait of Albert O. Bruce (1837-1911) mining engineer and Wawona homesteader.

Portrait of William Putnam the son of Royal Porter Putnam the founder of Porterville, California.

This article from 1963 talks about the moving of the Tulare City Library to the new location on West Tulare Street. 33, 769 books, along with magazines and periodicals were moved from the old location to the new.

Five U.S. Army soldiers of the 24th Mounted Infantry, mounted on horses near a road in forest.

Flood waters in Yosemite Valley, looking across floor of valley from the Chapel to Yosemite Falls during the Flood of 1997.

Located at the southeast corner of Mill and Church streets in Visalia, CA, this building housed the Visalia Drug Store, Vallee's Sample Room, and the Masonic Hall (2nd floor). A bookstore is to the right.

About forty members of U.S. 6th Cavalry, Troop F, shown mounted on, or standing beside their horses, and lined up atop and beside the Fallen Monarch tree in the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias, Yosemite, 1899.

Wedding portrait of George Bauer and Rosa Busano, standing, wearing a dark suit and a white layered gown; George born Hornitos, Calif. 1881, son of Anna and Joseph Bauer, died of tuberculosis, Ahwahnee, Calif. 1928; Rosa also died of tuberculosis,…

A demonstration of square dancing is performed by participants in the 1997 Pioneer Days in Ducor, CA.
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