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Setting out in a stage-coach, for an outing in the mountains for Will Thomson's bachelor party. From left (not counting the hostler at the horse's head) : George Murry, Gerald Lumley, Charles Traeger, Dr. Hatcher, John Hewey, J. H. Williams, Dave…

Porter Theater stage and seating.

A four-horse team pulls a stage headed down to the San Joaquin Valley from Mineral King in eastern Tulare County, CA. (Photo donated by Pam Wallace)

Men working in a lumber camp loading and stacking lumber.

Men on large haystack unloading hay lifted by derrick. Wagons of hay and automobile nearby.

Front of St. Catherine's Catholic Church, Hornitos, Calif., circa 1926; with about sixty-five members of local Catholic families standing out front, having received First Communion; included are people from the Guest, Cavagnaro, Marrino, Trabucco,…

St. Anthony's Retreat House is shown on the hillside I Three Rivers, CA, from the Veterans Memorial Building on California Highway 198. The retreat house is operated by Franciscan friars. (Photo courtesy of St. Anthony’s Retreat)
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