Probably taken in the 1950s, this photo shows Children's Librarian Juliana Bissett of the Visalia Public Library, talking to children about "Satellites Around the World." This library now is the Visalia branch of the Tulare County Library system.
Shows librarian Mila De Laveaga using card catalog, with Celina Peters watching; at Kern County Library headquarters, then located in the basement of the Kern County Courthouse, torn down in 1953. A subsequent courthouse was built at the site in…
Front row, left to right: Clement "Clemie" Lilburn (secretary), librarian Mila De Laveaga, librarian Miss Eleanor Wilson; second row, Miss Betty Jo Peterson, Miss Mary Corbitt, Lois Rainey; five rows back, aisle seat, Miss Irene Branham, Children's…
Librarian Eleanor Wilson poses beside bust of General Beale, at the second Beale Memorial Library, on the day that the library's name was changed from Kern County Central Library to Beale Memorial Libary: June 2, 1966. She wears pioneer dress for…