Browse Collections (63 total)
Mariposa County Library Collection

The images in the Mariposa County Library's image gallery were generously provided by local museums, pioneer families, and historians. The collections…
Contributors: Mariposa County Library
Bruce Family Collection

The Bruce Family Collection was provided by historian Thomas Bruce Phillips. Members of the Bruce family were early settlers of the Wawona area.
Contributors: Mariposa County Library
Northern Mariposa County History Center

The Northern Mariposa County History Center's collection reflects life in the northern part of the county.
Contributors: Mariposa County Library
Leroy Radanovich Collection

The Leroy Radanovich Collection was provided by photographer and historian Leroy Radanovich. This is a small representation of a very large collection…
Contributors: Mariposa County Library
Yosemite Museum of the National Park Service

The Yosemite Museum of the National Park Service has provided numerous images of Yosemite as a contribution to education and scholarship.
Contributors: Mariposa County Library
Chase-Williams Collection

Members of the Chase family were early settlers of the Hornitos area.
Contributors: Mariposa County Library
Pearl and Winnie Williams Collection

Members of the Carter and Williams families were early settlers of the Mariposa and Hornitos areas.
Contributors: Mariposa County Library
Mariposa Museum and History Center

The museum's collection includes images of towns, settlements, and buildings in the county. This is a small representation of a large collection of…
Contributors: Mariposa County Library
Coalinga-Huron Library District Collections
In January of 1905 the "Coalinga Women's Improvement Club" was formed. They started a reading room for the community. The ladies felt that the men…
Contributors: Coalinga-Huron District Library
R.C. Baker Memorial Museum

Contributors: Coalinga-Huron Library District