Group and buggy in front of small frame house. Man in buggy is Peter Sarmento. Woman is Anna T. (Silveira) Sarmento; they were married in 1881. Child in buggy is Charlie C. Sarment (born June 18, 1891). The children along the fence are, from left,…
The Joe family posed in front of Mary Joe's Cafe in Tulare, California. Pictured are (left to right): Mary (Mrs. Ling Joe), Yow Joe, Yow Joe's son David, Bing, the chef, and Wing (son of Jennie Joe Wong).
The Kuzo Shinoda family. Kuzo and his first wife, Hito, had four children. After her death he returned to Japan and married her sister, Sayo. They had eight children. Pictured (left to right) are: Top row: Muto Shinoda, Bobby Hanada, Akira Shinoda,…