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  • Tags: Horses

Teams with scrapers constructing dam. Oak forest in background.

Children near washout of levee. Some boys have weapons. One on horseback. Location is above headgate of Last Chance Ditch. Two identifications on photo.

Two men and horses in blacksmith and horseshoeing shop.

Group and buggy in front of small frame house. Man in buggy is Peter Sarmento. Woman is Anna T. (Silveira) Sarmento; they were married in 1881. Child in buggy is Charlie C. Sarment (born June 18, 1891). The children along the fence are, from left,…

Mr. Dodge in buggy in front of large frame residence which was located at 632 Douty Street.

Wes Esrey, Grand Marshall, leading parade with band.

Group of wagons loaded with wool. One wagon has sheep. Lodging house and water tower in background.

BOX 1-AG-LIVESTOCK-009 Women about to milk cow .tif
Photos of hog, sheep, horse, and bee farm.

Men in costume on and in front of wagon. Man in suit is identified as Ernest F. Pickerill, first Chief of Records (secretary) of Hanford's Umpqua Tribe No. 125 of the Improved Order of Red Men. Local tribe instituted in 1902; met on Fridays at the…

Horse-drawn fire department hose wagon from about 1907, in Bakersfield Centennial parade; seated at front of wagon, beside man wearing hat, is Robert Prenter, a Kern county Assemblyman during the late 1990s.The parade was on January 10.
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